lunedì 18 giugno 2012


We'll discover how much CHIMICA is  part of everyday life

 The  San Domenico di Cafaggio or  "alle stalle" convent , ( in XV century  known like MANGLIO CONVENT) was buit in XIII°century
by a domenicano JACOPO  di TALENTO da NIPOZZANO and defined
" fabbrica grandiosa  and magnifica".
TODAYS the paintings, that we can admire, on ALTARE MAGGIORE is by  scuola grottesca of AGNOLO Taddeo Gaddi and the 13 " lunette", painted with  domenicana life views  by Vincenzo Menucci, Giovan Domenico Ferretti and Mauro Soderini are particular precious.
Also of original architecture many  changes for  via Salvestrina (1403) and for realizing,  in XIV° century, Semplici  and  Don Luigi di Toledo's gardens, today San Clemente garden.
The beauty of chiostro Grande (1560- 1580) is great and in its centre take place the war memorial monument  dedicated to all italian doctors dead during the first mondial war.
In the covent  lived domenicane nuns until 1808 when the french goverment utilized it for indaco industry and in 1838 the architect Giuseppe Martelli tranformed it in a military hospital.
In 1862 become zona residenziale and in1866 was abolished.  The convento was buy , thanks Saccardi law, from" Ministero della guerra" and was used like lazzereto and caserma for "bersaglieri" until 1882, when became place of military application school.
On 16 december 1882 king Umberto I° signed Regio decreto  for the first
                             ACCADEMIA MEDICA MILITARE ITALIANA (1° January 1883.)
IN 1947 this institute was tranformed in SCUOLA di SANITA' MILITARE, in 1928 tranfered in Roma at CECCHIGNOLA caserma.
Today la caserma Redi (named Francesco Red,i a doctor lived 1626- 1698, about at beginning 1800) ospita il dipartimento militare di medicina legale of  Firenze and in the part of buildings that opens on the Chiostro   is located a Museum where we can admire an extraordinary collection  of reports of SANITA' MILITARE.

Generally in this particular, percious anciend buiding, take place many events  all organized with elegance, professionality and ability  in an atmosphere of dialogue that improve the research and comunication 
                             for a construtive contibute to the humanity-progress!


During this CONGRESS many participants like professor, PhD students and young researchers have been participated form different universities in Italy: Milano, Bologna, Pisa, Venezia, Napoli, Pavia, Genova, Torino, Florence..... etc. and important chair persons of organizations like Societa Chemica Italiana, groupo interdivisionale catalisi, green chemistry, GISAC, icd, and AIM.
All these participants have given oral presentations or they presented posters. This is good way of interchanging knowledge of chemistry about recent technologies, recent research work, current problems in chemical industries and their solutions.
The main focus of conference is on, to do Green chemistry that is to reduce pollution taking place from industries and to get food, drug, polymers, all thing needed for day today life, in more safe and environmental friendly way, by developing different catalyst and methods for synthesis of chemical compounds.
 For the poster presentation section we congratulate to winner Suresh Udhavrao Shisodia form Politecnico di Milano, whose research group focus research on renewable energy sources like Bio-mass energy, Bio-diesel and valorization of its side products(glycerol) to high value chemicals like biodegradable polymers by using green methods, that is without using solvent and catalyst.
This conference was very important and useful for all, because of this interpretation everyone come to know what is going on at present in Italy, especially recent trends in chemistry, so they can share their ideas and collaborate with peoples and work more efficiently, This was good opportunity for young students and researchers, to learn from well experienced persons and to know which field of research is more important, where to focus their attention, how to start new research and how to get funding from different sources like Industry, different organizations and universities.
aquila bologna
Participation in the XVIII National Congress of the Chemistry Division Industrial Italian Chemical Society “LE SFIDE DELLA CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE PER UN’INNOVAZIONE SOSTENIBILE”  has  given me the opportunity to meet new and innovative ideas and likeminded scientists, but sametime  establishing fruitful collaborations with other research groups.  It  was for my scientific growth of great encouragement. The opportunity to hear experts in the field from both academia and industry, and to compare with PhD colleagues, appears to be a time of personal and professional growth.  I am  grateful to the conference organisers for giving us the chance to meet and speak to so many people and gain information from scientists  who are leaders in their field.

Dr. Akbota Zhenissova  (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
Postdoc University  of L’Aquila
L’opportunità di poter partecipare al XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di ChimicaL
Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana, LE SFIDE DELLA CHIMICA
INDUSTRIALE PER UN’INNOVAZIONE SOSTENIBILE, è stata per la mia crescita scientifica di grande stimolo. La possibilità di poter ascoltare esperti della materia provenienti sia dal mondo accademico che industriale, e potersi confrontare con i colleghi dottorandi, risulta essere un momento di crescita umana e professionale. La cornice di Firenze vissuta nell’anno del 150° anniversario dello Stato Italiano si è rivelata una scelta perfetta.

Dr. Alberto Zeffiro
Università degli Studi di Pavia

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