domenica 24 giugno 2012


Durer (Nuremberg 1471) has an enormous importance in the promotion and innovation of Western art because he was able to link Italian  Renaissance and Flemish art, both loving and understanding Italian masterpieces and making a connection with the ability of German and Flemish artists.

Durer, as every artist, worked an entire lifetime to combine direct observation of nature with his own creative imagination and strength of feelings.

Durer studied perspective and in his thesis about measurements gives information about how to construct views, referring to the theory of L. B Alberti, using a "vellum" reticulum.

Chapters are dedicated to linear and plane geometry, the practical application of geometry to buildings, to topography, and to decoration with particular attention paid to stereometry.  Durer wrote also about presentation of the human body with proportion, making drawings from Italian studies and from ancient models, and by following Vitruvio. His figures are made by lines with a compass and ruler. Durer's success is due in part to lithography because it enabled many copies of his work to be printed without losing their beauty.

One ring in a human chain, Durer: vivacious-colorful-sensitive participant, a model for contemporary artists  to continue to be inventive, searching and searching for his own style between past and future, for  new and newer inventions in art for life. In fact, art is the magic thing that can  help us to be happy and who would not wish to be happy?

So, appreciate artists and their work, go and look at paintings,  sculptures, drawings, installations — read books, tales and poems, listen to music, dance, go to the theater — for a better life, with everyone working together in cooperation for beauty, communication, and peace. We have no other road but Love.
Carmelina Rotundo

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