martedì 30 novembre 2021


Nella meraviglia del museo- palazzo FERRAGAMO un incontro casuale, un dialogo per trasmettere la magia di una mostra davvero unica per un filo per il filo di seta che congiunge luoghi e tempi; tempi e luoghi proprio come in una favola raccontata per immagini da Diana Huk an ukrainan girl that moved to Belgium at my 16th, and now she is doing an exchange at the university in Milano.


Un incontro riporto integralmente la lettera da lei scritta viva i giovani viva l'arte che congiunge generazioni - interessi: 
 Good evening Carmelina! I hope everything is fine! Hereby I send you some of the shoots that we have done together. Let me know which one you like and if you want me to edit them (because these are unedited). Also, if you use one of them, please mention me. It would be a pleasure for me. I'm a ukrainan girl that moved to Belgium at my 16th, and now I'm doing an exchange at the university in Milano. Passioned about fashion, design, and art. So this is just to give you an idea who I am. Also, here is the instagram tag @dianahuk_ . Thank you for your collaboration and your beautiful words! Sincerely, Diana Huk

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